We all know sanitary waste shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet, as this can lead to polluting our waters and also blockages in the wastewater system. Improper disposal of pads and tampons can have a massive and negative impact on our environment. By providing clean sanitary services for your business, this can be avoided.


Protecting the
From product research and development to production, logistics and market operations, we believe in doing our utmost in protecting our precious environment and reducing our carbon footprint.

Our certifications include...
Lowering Emissions
Unlike standard sanitary units, our sanitary bins eliminate the need for regular replacements of units. This reduces the amount of transportation required for installations or servicing, which is making a positive impact on our carbon footprint.
Diverting Landfill
The clever packaging design of our disposable biodegradable cartridges have been made from . The biodegradable nature of these materials means they can help break down plastics better and quicker.

The Eco Friendly Solution
Our innovative sanitary bins have been specifically designed with careful consideration to minimise impact on the environment.
Energy Efficient
The compact biodegradable cartridges, which contain the bin lining and lid are disposable and don’t require cleaning. This inevitably saves on energy use.
Need more information?
Looking for a new sanitary disposal system or thinking about replacing your current system with a greener, cost effective, self managed solution? Get in touch with our friendly team below and we’ll get back to you shortly.